xsukexsukexsuke =(
salam...hri ni ryae ad nk citer bbrp perkara..huhu...of course about myself...
ryae g klinik semalam *CARE FOR ME*...dkt je ngn hostel ryae...ryae xthn la coz da bbrp hr ryae skt prut..huhuhu...mse jmpe dr.tu,,byk gk ar dy soal jwb ryae...cm p'jnyh antrabgsa lak..kekeke...tp,,ryae t'kjut coz dr.suruh ryae teropong prut ryae...tropong tu means wt mdical check up lam prut ryae ngn camera...dr.bimbang ad smthng y xkene ngn prut ryae...wlupom agk t'kjut,,ryae wt slumber je..huhu...tkt gk sbnrnye...dr.mtk ryae chek bcoz symptom2 ad pd ryae..tp,,ryae cht ag..hahaha...alhamdulillah...klu da smpai ajal tu nk wt cmne kn..say goodbye la...tgk la,,klu ryae rjin n rse nk wt m.c.up tu,,ryae g ar..mls lak nk pgi..bia kn la cmni..ryae da biase...huhu..tgk,,ryae dpt ubt y same gk..MISS MAGNESSIUM,,MISS GASTRIC TABLET & MISS STOMACHACHE...all together..bes fren uh..xle b'psah..hehehe...hye miss2 sume,,kite jmpe lg...ape la...ryae xprlukn awk sume la..tp,,nape awk sume xle tglkn ryae..asyk nk b'sama ngn ryae je..ryae pnt la nk tke care awk sume..kne ambk korg jmpe my lovely stomach ikt time lak tu..btul2 pnt..huhu..btw,,thanxs la coz awk sume blh melegakn ksktn y ryae alami..well done baby!!!!huhuhu...xpe la...nnti ryae g ah wt m.c.up ble ryae rse nk pg..hehe...i'm not in mood la to do such thing..hehe..i
m so sorry...i should tke good care of myhealth..insyaAllah..i will..God bless me...amin..
y ni ryae plg XSUKE!!!!I HATE DAMN MUCH!!!!ad la sorg bdk ni...asyk kacau ryae je...slh ryae gk coz lyn...pdn mke kn..tp,,mne la ryae tau dy ni cmni..ryae kwn ngn sume org..ape kes la dy ni,,ble msj je msti ckp hal hati &perasaan..xsuke btol..kn ryae da bg jwpn ngn JELAS,,TERANG LAGI B'SULUH y ryae xnk..so,,xnk la..xperlu tye byk2 kli..ryae da gtau y ryae nk kwn je...xfhm2 gk...kn ckp bhsa ibunda ryae *siam* kn laaaaagiiiiiiiiii xfhm..hah!!!!ambik kau....geram btol...grrrrr........pdn mke dy..sape sruh sllu ckp bnda tu,,kn ryae da xlyn lgsung msj dy..pdn mke kau...*jht ke ryae ni??*hr tu dy col byk kli,,ryae xangkt pom..mls lyn ah org cmni..nnti lbh2 lak...klu xckp hal ht n prsaan mmg xsah...bnci btol ah...if i said NO,,so the answer is NO!!!!do u understand???da tu,,siap soal sldik ag nape ryae xagkt col dy..HELLOOO!!!!excuse me...awk sape nk tye sy cm tu???sy mkwe awk ke???tunang awk ke???or ISTERI awk ke???suke ht sy la nk jwb ke x...sy da warn byk kli stop talking bout feeling or swktu dgnnya...I DON'T LIKE ok...so sorry la...awk xle wt sy cmni..sy nk jwb col ke xnk ke,,its up to me..awk y cri mslh ngn sy dlu..so,,jgn slhkn sy...awk sllu ckp y awkni serius ngn sy..hello,,,,awk igt sng2 ke sy nk p'cye...sorry la..sy da b'kli2 gtau awk jwpn y sptutnye awk tau..tp,,awk xpuas ht ngn jwpn sy..awk nk sy trma awk bru awk puas ht???how dare u....sorry to say la..lth2 sy jge ht sy juz untk myspecial one n awk sng2 nk sy trma awk...wht so funny hah!!!its around 5YEARS sy smpn n jge ht sy elok2,,mne blh sy lypkn cmtu je juz bcoz of u..NO WAY!!!!!tlg la,,jgn kacau sy lg..sy t'pkse lkukn cmni coz sy mmg xsuke ngn skap awk...sy da warn awk byk kli tp,,awk dgil gk..asyk nk express urheart je..ok fine..sy tau awk nk bktikn kt sy kn..tp,,ble skli sy bg jwpn,,so,,itulah jwpn muktamad n t'baek bg sy...satu je sy nk awk tau,,awk xle lwn org y sy suke even b'juta2 kli awk persuade sy n bktikn y awk da best..u still CANNOT...i'm so sorry..no one can replace him...awk sptutnye sdr akn hal ni...ok..sy mtk maaf..mgkn sy xkn lyn sbrg msj or col drpd awk lg..n sy xt'agak2 remove awk dr fren list fb sy...sy mtk maaf yaaa.....klu awk nk kte sy jht,,ok..fine..klu tu wt awk puas ht but,,remember,,u can't blame me bcoz i'm already give u the best answer at beginning..ok...so sorry....
-best xlgu blog ryae???tjuk lgu ni KASIH by SALJU ..bes knknknkn???actually xmnt sgt tp,,coz besfren ryae mnt sgtsgt lgu ni *NINIE*..2 ryae wt lgu ni..huhuhu...msti ad y jtuh ht ble dgr lgu ni..hehe-
p/s:credit to all bloggers,,sorry u all can't read myblog bcoz i make it private,,so sorry yaa....don't ask me why bcoz i've myown reason why i do that...myapologize...
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