EIFFEL TOWER..love it..
wow!!!!so beautiful tower...i love it....thanxs ninie coz tag gmbr ni kt ryae...ryae mmg sukesukesuke sgt....da lame ryae b'angan nk prgi FRANCE..dats my 2nd place wanna go..n 1st of course la MECCA *perform hajj with myfamily* insyaallah..mse kecik ag ryae nk pgi eiffel..ntah nape ryae tgk eiffel ni lawa..cm ad smthng..huhu..ryae pom xfhm gk npe..cm bes je..peace je..tmbh2 ble wktu mlm..plus ryae pnah tgk gmbr eiffel y real..ayh chik *myuncle* pnah g sane..sgt cntik ok...ryae pom mula la fall in love with eiffel ni..nk pgi!!!hrp bile da kje nnti ryae blh pg sane..amin..ninie ckp dy nk pg ngn someone..ryae???alone lorh...hahaha...xpe la..pg sorg2 bes pe..da la ryae LOVE sgtsgtsgt kt eiffel ni,,tb2 ad lak cter title eiffel..adui...makin m'buak2 la smgt nk pg sane..ape la...tajuk citer tu,,EIFFEL!!!I'M IN LOVE!!! starring by samuel rizal & shandy aulia..bes sgtsgtsgt citer tu..bcoz dorg b'lakon kt france..huhu..hero pom hensem & heroin lak lawa...fuyyooo....sgt sesuai ok...nk pgi sane..huhu..hope it bcome true..i'm wonder who'll be myhubby soon..nk pg honeymoon kt sne la...hahaha...gatai btol ryae ni..xpe..xprlu b'gntung ngn org nk pgi sne..i can stand on myown la...cm seksis lak...hahaha...ape la...study xhbs lg da m'ngada2 nk honeymoon..dasat btol la ryae ni..xde la..bkn nk pk bnda cmtu..saje je..huhu..ryae blh pg sndri la..ble ad kje y bgus+kewangan ok+izin DIA=eiffel..hehe...ryae nk pgi sane ble dpt hntr myparent wt haji dlu..y tu plgplgplg pnting..insyaAllah..huhu..rse nk nangis lak tgk eiffel ni..coz sgt lawa n touch myheart la..nape ryae sensitif plik ni???plik btol..tp,,2 y ryae rse..mybe coz ryae nk sgt pg sne kot..same la bile ryae tgk gmbr KAABAH ..touch myheart..bile ryae dpt pg mecca n france,,ryae nk snap gmbr byk2...y plg pntg,,ryae nk cium kaabah n eiffel..*sengetkah diriku ini??*bia ah..ryae xsshkn org pom..ryae bw haluan sdri...ryae wt hal sndri..huhu..eiffel,,if i've a chnce to see u,,i'll make it the best memoirs all the rest of mylife...really wanna see u face to face la..u r so beautiful lorh...hope can go there oneday...someday..me n myself...alone...brings full of love there...to see u eiffel..if u are a men,,i'll marry u..hahahaha...how come???i myself dunno...huhu..myhope n expectation....EIFFEL!!!I'M IN LOVE WITH U!!!
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