Saturday, August 28, 2010


salam....lame btol ryae xupdate blog..KEMALASAN y t'amat...huhu...xgk..ryae bz la last week..bese ah mgu2 t'akhir ni kn...kne wt assg.,,quiz..n mcm2 la..hang out ngn last sem ryae kt nilai...insyaAllah..dis december ryae reg kt gombak..huhuh...xsbr+tkut..ryae xau nk major,,ryae nk ambk political sciences...insyaallah dpt...Allah telah tntukn u ryae..cume ryae je y xau..juz wait n see soon...still la klu dpt major y mne2 pom coz ryae mmg suke sume kos HUMAN SCIENCES ni...huhuhu...3hb ni ryae blk kg..yeay!!!!!xsbr nye..ryae nk mkn puas2...nk mkn mnisan..hehehe..kt cni ssh nk dpt...n rye ke 4 kzen ryae kewen..yuhuuu..!!!! event kt umah best au...coz nnti sume sedare mare ad..jejak kasih..hehehehe....n 18hb ryae dtg nilai blk...start 23 FINAL EXAM babe....tkut gk..hrp2 ryae dpt wt y t'baik..insyaAllah...ameen..k ar..ryae out dlu...xau nk ckp pe..byk sbnrnye tp,,ryae mls nk type..sorry..myeonhyeo...bubye...ratri sawad...=]

Thursday, August 12, 2010

xsukexsukexsuke =(

salam...hri ni ryae ad nk citer bbrp perkara..huhu...of course about myself...
  • pergi klinik....
ryae g klinik semalam *CARE FOR ME*...dkt je ngn hostel ryae...ryae xthn la coz da bbrp hr ryae skt prut..huhuhu...mse jmpe dr.tu,,byk gk ar dy soal jwb p'jnyh antrabgsa,,ryae t'kjut coz dr.suruh ryae teropong prut ryae...tropong tu means wt mdical check up lam prut ryae ngn camera...dr.bimbang ad smthng y xkene ngn prut ryae...wlupom agk t'kjut,,ryae wt slumber je..huhu...tkt gk sbnrnye...dr.mtk ryae chek bcoz symptom2 ad pd,,ryae cht ag..hahaha...alhamdulillah...klu da smpai ajal tu nk wt cmne kn..say goodbye la...tgk la,,klu ryae rjin n rse nk wt m.c.up tu,,ryae g lak nk pgi..bia kn la cmni..ryae da biase...huhu..tgk,,ryae dpt ubt y same gk..MISS MAGNESSIUM,,MISS GASTRIC TABLET & MISS STOMACHACHE...all together..bes fren uh..xle b'psah..hehehe...hye miss2 sume,,kite jmpe lg...ape la...ryae xprlukn awk sume,,nape awk sume xle tglkn ryae..asyk nk b'sama ngn ryae je..ryae pnt la nk tke care awk sume..kne ambk korg jmpe my lovely stomach ikt time lak tu..btul2 pnt..huhu..btw,,thanxs la coz awk sume blh melegakn ksktn y ryae alami..well done baby!!!!huhuhu...xpe la...nnti ryae g ah wt m.c.up ble ryae rse nk pg..hehe...i'm not in mood la to do such thing..hehe..i
m so sorry...i should tke good care of myhealth..insyaAllah..i will..God bless me...amin..
  • bdk xreti bhsa...
y ni ryae plg XSUKE!!!!I HATE DAMN MUCH!!!!ad la sorg bdk ni...asyk kacau ryae je...slh ryae gk coz lyn...pdn mke,,mne la ryae tau dy ni cmni..ryae kwn ngn sume org..ape kes la dy ni,,ble msj je msti ckp hal hati &perasaan..xsuke ryae da bg jwpn ngn JELAS,,TERANG LAGI B'SULUH y ryae,,xnk la..xperlu tye byk2 kli..ryae da gtau y ryae nk kwn je...xfhm2 ckp bhsa ibunda ryae *siam* kn laaaaagiiiiiiiiii xfhm..hah!!!!ambik kau....geram btol...grrrrr........pdn mke dy..sape sruh sllu ckp bnda tu,,kn ryae da xlyn lgsung msj dy..pdn mke kau...*jht ke ryae ni??*hr tu dy col byk kli,,ryae xangkt lyn ah org cmni..nnti lbh2 lak...klu xckp hal ht n prsaan mmg xsah...bnci btol ah...if i said NO,,so the answer is NO!!!!do u understand???da tu,,siap soal sldik ag nape ryae xagkt col dy..HELLOOO!!!!excuse me...awk sape nk tye sy cm tu???sy mkwe awk ke???tunang awk ke???or ISTERI awk ke???suke ht sy la nk jwb ke da warn byk kli stop talking bout feeling or swktu dgnnya...I DON'T LIKE sorry la...awk xle wt sy nk jwb col ke xnk ke,,its up to me..awk y cri mslh ngn sy,,jgn slhkn sy...awk sllu ckp y awkni serius ngn sy..hello,,,,awk igt sng2 ke sy nk p'cye...sorry da b'kli2 gtau awk jwpn y sptutnye awk,,awk xpuas ht ngn jwpn sy..awk nk sy trma awk bru awk puas ht???how dare u....sorry to say la..lth2 sy jge ht sy juz untk myspecial one n awk sng2 nk sy trma awk...wht so funny hah!!!its around 5YEARS sy smpn n jge ht sy elok2,,mne blh sy lypkn cmtu je juz bcoz of u..NO WAY!!!!!tlg la,,jgn kacau sy t'pkse lkukn cmni coz sy mmg xsuke ngn skap da warn awk byk kli tp,,awk dgil gk..asyk nk express urheart je..ok tau awk nk bktikn kt sy,,ble skli sy bg jwpn,,so,,itulah jwpn muktamad n t'baek bg sy...satu je sy nk awk tau,,awk xle lwn org y sy suke even b'juta2 kli awk persuade sy n bktikn y awk da best..u still CANNOT...i'm so one can replace him...awk sptutnye sdr akn hal mtk maaf..mgkn sy xkn lyn sbrg msj or col drpd awk lg..n sy xt'agak2 remove awk dr fren list fb mtk maaf yaaa.....klu awk nk kte sy jht,,ok..fine..klu tu wt awk puas ht but,,remember,,u can't blame me bcoz i'm already give u the best answer at sorry....

-best xlgu blog ryae???tjuk lgu ni KASIH by SALJU ..bes knknknkn???actually xmnt sgt tp,,coz besfren ryae mnt sgtsgt lgu ni *NINIE*..2 ryae wt lgu ni..huhuhu...msti ad y jtuh ht ble dgr lgu ni..hehe-

p/s:credit to all bloggers,,sorry u all can't read myblog bcoz i make it private,,so sorry yaa....don't ask me why bcoz i've myown reason why i do that...myapologize...

Monday, August 9, 2010


wow!!!!so beautiful tower...i love it....thanxs ninie coz tag gmbr ni kt ryae...ryae mmg sukesukesuke sgt....da lame ryae b'angan nk prgi FRANCE..dats my 2nd place wanna go..n 1st of course la MECCA *perform hajj with myfamily* insyaallah..mse kecik ag ryae nk pgi eiffel..ntah nape ryae tgk eiffel ni ad smthng..huhu..ryae pom xfhm gk bes je..peace je..tmbh2 ble wktu ryae pnah tgk gmbr eiffel y real..ayh chik *myuncle* pnah g sane..sgt cntik ok...ryae pom mula la fall in love with eiffel ni..nk pgi!!!hrp bile da kje nnti ryae blh pg sane..amin..ninie ckp dy nk pg ngn someone..ryae???alone lorh...hahaha...xpe sorg2 bes pe..da la ryae LOVE sgtsgtsgt kt eiffel ni,,tb2 ad lak cter title eiffel..adui...makin m'buak2 la smgt nk pg sane..ape la...tajuk citer tu,,EIFFEL!!!I'M IN LOVE!!! starring by samuel rizal & shandy aulia..bes sgtsgtsgt citer tu..bcoz dorg b'lakon kt france..huhu..hero pom hensem & heroin lak lawa...fuyyooo....sgt sesuai ok...nk pgi sane..huhu..hope it bcome true..i'm wonder who'll be myhubby soon..nk pg honeymoon kt sne la...hahaha...gatai btol ryae ni..xpe..xprlu b'gntung ngn org nk pgi sne..i can stand on myown seksis lak...hahaha...ape xhbs lg da m'ngada2 nk honeymoon..dasat btol la ryae ni..xde la..bkn nk pk bnda cmtu..saje je..huhu..ryae blh pg sndri la..ble ad kje y bgus+kewangan ok+izin DIA=eiffel..hehe...ryae nk pgi sane ble dpt hntr myparent wt haji dlu..y tu plgplgplg pnting..insyaAllah..huhu..rse nk nangis lak tgk eiffel ni..coz sgt lawa n touch myheart la..nape ryae sensitif plik ni???plik,,2 y ryae rse..mybe coz ryae nk sgt pg sne kot..same la bile ryae tgk gmbr KAABAH ..touch myheart..bile ryae dpt pg mecca n france,,ryae nk snap gmbr byk2...y plg pntg,,ryae nk cium kaabah n eiffel..*sengetkah diriku ini??*bia ah..ryae xsshkn org pom..ryae bw haluan sdri...ryae wt hal sndri..huhu..eiffel,,if i've a chnce to see u,,i'll make it the best memoirs all the rest of mylife...really wanna see u face to face la..u r so beautiful lorh...hope can go there n myself...alone...brings full of love see u eiffel..if u are a men,,i'll marry come???i myself dunno...huhu..myhope n expectation....EIFFEL!!!I'M IN LOVE WITH U!!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

MR.ALOO (^_^) aloo...kucing ryae..*da passed away*

ni aloo & wara...sgtsgtsgt comel lorh..
eeeiiiii...geram!!!!so cute lorh..muahxx!!!

u die already mr.aloo...=( ryae rndu kt aloo..aloo mnje ngn ryae...sllu teman ryae wt homework..stay up at night..n suke kacau ryae gk..tmbh2 ble ryae wt hmwrk,,aloo msti kacau..dok ats buku la..time ryae writing,,aloo msti gigit pen..
ble ryae mkn pom aloo nk gk..sume bnda y ryae mkn msti aloo nk gk..kinda funny lorh...even ryae mkn mee,,aloo msti mkn..xau la prut jnis apakah aloo,,aloo da xde..huhu..da xde y nk kacau ryae..time tdo aloo sllu kacau ryae..
gatal btol..kekekeke..ryae tau,,aloo prgi coz ryae tglkn aloo..ryae kne further stdy n have no time to take care of,,ryae sygkn aloo..ble blk ryae msti igt kt aloo..besenye,,ble ryae blk,,aloo msti cri ryae..n dgr kate...xpe la..aloo b'smdi la ngn tenang...bye2 mycutie mutie..miss u damn much!!!!!

hahax...look!!!i snap ur picture...cover eh???nmpk cm t'bkak ckit mate tu..naughty lorh....aloo sgt comel la...perasan la tu..aloo mmg prsn..pntg di puji msti prsn uh..poyo je..bajet hot lak tu..xle bla btol..haha..alooaloooaloo..
miss u lorh...naughty n smart you..MR.ALOO...

God..plez take that pain away...

adus,,,,its come hurt...stomachache...plez,,dont come...u know i'm suffer a lot bcoz of u???u're going to kill me..its so hurt..yesterday,,i'm choking again...i know why,,bcos less of mineral water..
i've to drink much...plez..dont come dear...u know i already throw all these kind of medicine...i'm sorry yaa...i'm never meant to throw u away but,,i dont really like u..i wanna be an independen,,i dont need u..sorry once again...i hate to be a sick person..i'm not weak..or i'm not strong enough to fight againts this pain???i'm so tired...thanx for being a part of mybody..u know,,sometimes u make me being pretty cram to breath..well done!!!!I LIKE IT..u make me dying....ohh MR.STOMACHACHE,,i know u really lovelovelove damn much toward MISS.MAGNESSIUM & MISS.PAIN KILLER..i know that..even this EARTH & UNIVERSE know that..why should u use me to dating with ur love???how bout me???do u care bout me???kinda funny..i've to get all these pain n suffer a lot bcoz of ur pretty love???what on earth is this dear..pity me lorh..plez,,dont come again..mybody will get cold..n i'll be like ulat gonggok...sakit lorh...ngerti lorh!!!i'm tired to see the doc here..i'll get the same script,,GET WELL..DONT FORGET UR MEDICINE...REMEMBER,,SOFT FOOD ONLY..mygoodness...i know la doc..its mydestiny..i've to face it..not serious at all..i can't predict when it will come..sometimes..its make me hurt..oh mylovely dovey gastric...u did a good job..well done babe!!!vomiting,,choking,,!!!all in package man!!!

nilai,,u r sooooo special..u make mylovely dovey gastric funtion well..well done dear..thanx so much..bcos u provide all spicy food here..good job!!!!i like it..thats why mystomach bcome thin..i never eat even once some kind of food that are not spicy...yeah!!!n.9 well known with spicy food..i've to adapt myself with these kind of spicy come???just eat lorh..i'm destroying myself..*da pnat la nk pgi klnik panel iium..da byk kli da pgi...da la asyk dpt doc. y same,,ubt y same n sakit y same..smpai bile ryae nk b'thn cmni???skt sgtsgtsgt...klu lpr pom skit,,kyg pom skt..ble mkn,,asyk choking..salurn smpit agknye..n mkn ckt je da rse,,cpt lpr..cmne tu???kdg2 skit coz angin gastric..time 2 mmg clueless n speechless lorh..b'thn lorh ryae...cmne la agknye nnti puase ni...ryae kne pndai jge pmknan...huhu...its ok...sbnrnye..skrg ni pom tgh skt,,ryae thn...xsuke ar tnjuk skit..bkn tnjuk,,tp,,ble skit ryae lbh suke wt cm bese...xsuke org tkg ryae sbg pskit..ryae kuat lorh..i'm a strong girl...yeah..huhu..ok la...need some rest lorh....*

special dedicated to miszshaff fedbeck


We're here on this special day

Our hearts 'r full of pleasure
The day that brings the two of you
Close together
We're gathered here to celebrate
A moment you'll always treasure
We ask Allah to make your love
Last forever
Let's raise our heads and make dua'a
Like the prophet taught us
And with one voice let's all say…say…say
Wa Baraka alakuma
Wa jama bainakuma fi khair
From now you'll share all your joys
Parts of ya'll support each other
Together worshipping Allah
Seeking His pleasure
We pray that He will bring your life
With happiness and blessings
And grant you kids
And make your home filled with laughter
Let's raise our heads and make dua'a
Like the prophet taught us
And with one voice let's all say…say…say
Wa Baraka alakuma
Wa jama bainakuma fi khair
Baraka allah
Baraka allahu lakum wa lana
Allah barik lahuma
Allah adm hobahuma
Allah 'sali wa salim ala rasool ellh
Allah tub alana
Allah erdha ana
Allah ehdi khutana
Ala sunat nabina
Let's raise our heads and make dua'a
Like the prophet taught us
And with one voice let's all say…say…say
Wa Baraka alakuma
Wa jama bainakuma fi khair

P/S:sorry la t'awal lak wish..hehe..wanna be the first la..ryae dedicate this song 4 u bcos i do really like this song..its touch myheart lorh..kekekeke...4 u n ur hubby:welcome to the new life..hope u being well in ur new life..insyaallah..amin...~BARAK ALLAH BY MAHER sweet lorh...~~~

mydear cousin(kak ni),,on that day,,u'll be a wife..n that dat day too,,i'll never be with u again..thanxs for being mycousin n at the same time being mysister..atleast i ever feel like have a sister..even the fact is i'm never have a SISTER..yeah!!!bcoz i'm the only daughter in myfamily..u'll be the greatest sister in the one can replace u..
even its hard to me to accept it..bcoz,,we've been spent a lot of time together..when u've prob,,i'll be ur shoulder n vice versa..i know one day i've to accept all this thing..n soon,,mybrother have their own life too...n me???struggle to get what i want in life here n hereafter..i'll die hard to do the best!!!i've mymom n mydad..i love them so much..i love myfamily so,,whatever happen,,nothing gonna change mysister..thanx for being mysister..may ALLAH bless u..amin...

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


hurmm,,,pe kaitan gmbr ni ngn ryae???hehe...nothing pun...just nk relate ngn pe y ryae nk write kt cni..huhu..lpskn sumenye...but does't mean that i gve up of everything...huhu..ryae t'igt kt kate2 ni.."xsemestinya kita akn dpt apa y kita inginkan krn msh ada y t'baik u kita..mskipun ia jauh tp skranya mmg u kita,,ia tetap akn ada dlm genggaman kita",,lpskn must go on..KEINGINAN vs KEPERLUAN..ssh nk separate dua2 bnda nih..huhu..keinginan hanya u memenuhi khndak ht n diri sndri..knpa ad nye bnda ni???klu xde bnda ni so xde la rse y kte xpnah rse..huhu...plik kn..cntoh y mmg femes 'fall in love'...tu d'kire khndak la kte y nk kn..dats y la kte xle ikt kte ht,,manusia mmg suke ikt kate ht...knp???bcoz,,we r not a perfect person..kite bkn ma'sum kn...huhu...but..we can try to be the best...keperluan pula mmg pntg lam hdup kte...ada 2 jnis keperluan ni ROHANI & JASAD...nk tau knp??sbb,,dua2 amt pntg lam hdup kte...u rohani,,kte kne jge iman,,akal n dalaman kite...demi produce a good outcome for ourselves...cntohnye,,ht kite mmrlukan santapan rohani u brsihkn ape y tlh d'cemari...n u jasad pula,,kite prlu jge kshtn kite agar selalu sht,,cergas n b'maya..bila jasad sht,,rohani akn b'jln dgn,,ryae nk putuskn kt cni,,ryae nk lpskn sume y ryae rse xprlu tu...the fact is its burden me...huhu...i'm really tired...kdg2 ryae rse mlmpau gk coz story y xsptutnye kt cni..huhu...sepatutnye ryae kne pk sal org len,,sayonara..hbs sesi luahan ht...skrg ryae nk bg spirit u dri sndri...ryae seorg y kuat..ryae msti blh hadapinye..insyaAllah..ryae just nk pk study je skrg,,bnda len pun pk gk..just nk lbh fokuskn kt study la...skrg da start sbuk blk..klu last 2week bz ngn midterm exm,,next week presentation come??kne b'tgkus lumus la..huhu..i can do it!!!!aajaa!!!hwaiting..xsbr rsenye nk g GOMBAK..insyaAllah awal bln dec. ryae msuk sne..kwn2 y len pun same..ryae hrp dpt major in POLITICAL SCIENCES ...ryae mnt sgt...BMW pun best lorh...enjoy sgt2..actually,,ryae suke sume subjek HUMAN SCIENCES...huhu..sampaikn xau nk major pe,,ryae tend to psci..insyaAllah...hrp dpt major in psci...klu xdpt major in psci,,PSYCHOLOGY pun ok..xpun HISTORY...ok gk,,pe2 pun ryae trma seadanye coz ni adlh ktntuanNYA ..DIA lbh thu ape y t'baik u kte...DIA tlh tetapkn ape y slyknye u kte...kte cube n usaha sdya upaya kite..y slbhnye,,tawakkalu'alallah....insyaallah..amin...GOD bless me...ok..2 month to go ryae!!!do ur best ryae!!!restart ur memory...let by gone be by gone...everything happen for a reason..the reason that can make life be more better...HE knows everything...ambil y jrnih,,buang y rasional n think professional...ALL DA BEST RYAE!!!!!