Tuesday, March 5, 2013


why INFINITE???because i just found out about this idol group a year ago....honestly,,i do really like this idol group..it is not because of appearance but because of talented...especially in dancing...i really like their synchronized dance and body movements.. because i'm interested in dancing too...but,,i don't have opportunity to do so..and also because their song are not really hardcore...i like every meaning in their song.. very poetic and deep meaning..the song i like the  most are ONLY TEARS and BEFORE THE DAWN..i don't know why..i just like both song so much...and other song best to heard also...INFINITE means there is no ends...just like we counting the numbers...so,,as same as how much i like this group.. uncountable..there are 7 boys in this group; Kim Sung Gyu (Sung Gyu;leader),,Kim Myung Soo (L;visual),, Lee Hoo Won (Hoya;rap),, Lee Song Yeol (Song Yeol;vocal),, Lee Sung Jong (maknae;vocal),, Jang Dong Woo (DongWoo;rap),, Nam Woo Hyun (WooHyun;main vocal)...lets see their image and also the group badge....

their badge or group image..

7 namja idols..Hoya,,WooHyun,,L,,SungJong,,

after finished MV for She's back at Jeju Island...

that is the idol group that i like the most...before this,,i only like randomly based on the songs..but now,,this group complete all..so,,that is why i like everything about this group such sync dance,,voices,,songs,,appearance (they are not overdo in their clothing and style),,also their characteristics as a person...i like their friendship as group member..i hope this group will always move forward and improve their talent day by day as well as remain the name of INFINITE as long as they capable to defend their group time by time in the future...INFINITE fighting!!!!!!!himnae!!!!!


hellooooo....Ryae nak share something sikit kat sini..tengok tak headline Ryae???TOYOTA YARIS HYBRID!!!!!!Ryae sukaaaaa sangatsangatsangat kereta ini...dulu Ryae minat toyota yaris yang biasa...tapi,,yang terbaru punya ada keluaran untuk hybrid...oh pleaseeee,,,Ryae nak kereta ini okey...sangat cantik...dia punya design besar sikit dari yang biasa...jom tengok gambar YARIS HYBRID.....

cantiiiikkkkk kan kan....Ryae nak kereta ni..insyaAllah...ada rezeki,,dapatlah Ryae merasa pakai kereta YARIS HYBRID ni...amin...
yang paling penting,,nama YARIS...hehehehehe...tak sangka ada kereta nama camni...

p/s:i love you mydearlove...En.Mohd.Faris..you complete all the puzzles in myheart...

its been a long time...

hola hola mysweet blogy moggy...sudah lama tidak memblog kat sini..dulu dah start malas nak memblog sebab tak dapat line a.k.a wifi...sekarang,,,,,even dalam bilik pun dah dapat...yehhaaaa....yeay!!!!!sangat happy ok...korang jangan jeles pulak...by the way,,maybe Ryae tak selalu update kot...(perasan,,macamlah ada orang baca blog Ryae)...hehehehehe...saje je nak bagitahu...myblog kan...suka hati  I lah nak tulis apa pun...do I care???hahahahahha...bukan ape,,Ryae dah ada Diary de Paris Ryae ni haa...cantikkk....who cares kan???tak payah nak kutuk-kutuk blog Ryae sebab ni blog Ryae...i've right to write anything and absolutely i'm desereve too...okey....kalau ada yang nak singgah baca,,please do so,,kalau rasa menyampah ke,,meluat ke,,silalah click x untuk page ini...hehehehehhe..okey lah...malas dah nak tulis panjang2...tak ada idea lah...byeeee.....